
Alright folks, well this pretty much wraps up Wattpad for me as an app. Should anyone want to reach out or role play with me feel free to add me on discord (xdragonheartx). Otherwise, it has been a pleasure, but I bid thee adieu.


Hello, sorry to everyone I roleplay with! I got a new job and college is kicking my ass, I have not forgotten you or are intentionally ignoring anyone. Thanks for being patient. Let me get back into a rhythm of classes and my new work schedule so hopefully I can send out some replies. I appreciate you guys! 


The beginning of your bio...
          I love it.


@-OhSangwoo- Thank you! More than welcome to use it if you like! 


I’m in search of new role play partners so I may be going on a following spree. If I follow you, I’m interested..just to nervous to make a move yet. :3


            Lol XD story of my life 


            XD lmao if that aint me 


My profile is going under major construction. As I am searching for new role players I’ve realized my profile and aesthetic is very basic and to put it bluntly boring. My replies will be delayed and don’t be surprised if books, comments, and characters are completely removed. Thanks~