@ashuzumaki905 It is ;w;..and it still hurts ;w;..Yeah it could, last time I bit through my tongue , i just bit into the side of my mouth this time ;0 I hope so too, I had to stay off yesterday because I started feeling dizzy like I do when I'm going to have a seizure so I worked from home:( It probably is ;0, I thought it was kind of random too but you're right, it's pretty likely to be that since I'm not used to getting up that early..aww you don't need to feel bad, it's not your fault..both of us are cursed with it ;w; haha..but it did seem to just randomly appear like a troll ^^'(definitely is a real bitch you're right) Thanks, I do hear that a lot though that's generally to do with the anxiety and asd I get told that but I know what you mean, getting worked up definitely made it worse :( I'll try though. XDD yeah..I hope you don't overwork yourself too, I'm glad you have your mam reminding you to prevent this happening :) Me too..they actually are disability friendly as part of their policies, they have all kinds of people at the college, people with downs syndrome, other people with autism, physical disabilities (probably more) so they have to consider what they can do to help..It really is, and both me and my mam were surprised at how considerate they were (aw no problem..yes you are *hugs*) That's true, i think she may be getting the training too as she wasn't sure what to do and the only reason I was safe was because my mam was there who's seen me have seizures like loads of times ^^' Really? ;0 wow..well I suppose you had the seizures so you wouldn't know what it would be like to see someone have them as you'd be unconscious at the time XD Mmm..I think it's just a case of making sure the person is as safe as possible and doesn't hurt themselves other than how they would from the seizure..I think I do too haha..^^' It is :) It's an awesome workplace ;3..Thanks, I hope so too and I think I'll sit and watch some christmas films :D