
The SSK rewrite has begun!  
          	It’ll take a while between 2-4 months for the first couple of chapters but I hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless :) 


Anyone want a round two of Seductive Serial Killer? 
          I was really down hearted about it getting deleted but I think I’ll try again (it will be a little more PG this time so it won’t be deleted.
          The storyline might be a little different too because yeah… I can’t remember my own writing word for word ahaha.
          Leave a comment if you’d like to see it brought to life again!




Hi there! So it's been a while since I've posted any updates on here. 
          I just wanted to tell you all that (as I said before) I was going to start writing my own books. 
          And I have :) If you enjoyed my Seductive Serial Killer book I think you'll quite like the book I've currently got published called 'Berserkers Bride' 
          I'm also in the process of writing two fanfics and another original story. 
          Hope you guys will check it out and give them a read!
          Love ya'll hehe


I hope that you didnt forget me not mistake me for another person but im the same person that used to comment a lot on your story and my user name was HugeBoysSimp and i had a chips with a cat as an avatar, i didnt comment for long because i was kinda in a phase and after my sense of humor felt gone and i didnt know how to make good jokes anymore and didnt even know how to comment as a jayus


Of course I remember you, you were one of my first readers  I hope you’re feeling better now, if you ever need someone to talk to my DMs are always open ❤️


Did a little research about your story. Apparently Wattpad have been deleting a lot of books for the past 5+ months. All the books that was deleted had mature content that is relevant to sex or rape or any sexual thing wrotten. Guess thats the reason your story has been deleted


Looks like SSK is gone for Good :( 
          I’m sorry you guys, I feel like a disappointment for not being able to get it back. 
          I’ll be writing my own original work from now on, perhaps an occasional fan fiction but for now, I’ll try my own imagination and see how it goes 


@FranFiction725 It's okay bby you're not a disappointment to me 


Okay, so I have no idea what’s happened but my Seductive Serial Killer book has completely disappeared from my works, I can’t access it, I can’t write or edit it. 
          I Haven’t deleted it to my knowledge so I don’t know what’s going on, it’s as if it’s not my book anymore. 
          It’s still online as far as I know but I don’t know how to get onto it and Edit it cause it’s literally disappeared. 
          Anyone know how I can get access to it again? 


Oh god, i was looking for your story everyone where in the story tags, notifications but i couldnt find you, i tagged “fr” because i remember it being the first letters of your username and wow. The whole time the story was disappearing damn, that was a good book


@OhNodontreadmyname thank you, I hope so too, I really enjoyed writing that story. 
            In the meantime I’m working on a different original book whilst I wait and see if Seductive Serial Killer (SSK) can be recovered  thank you for your support ❤️


@sw4gyyl1f3 I think they did but they never sent me anything, I’m absolutely gutted 


Hi there! 
          So I got a direct message from a reader (who's acount sadly doesn't exist anymore) (( i don't know why)) asking about the plot of the Sangwoo Fanfic im writing. 
          As most of you know I take huge inspiration from The Manwha by Koogi so all credits for characters goes to Koogi. at the moment i'm following most of the plot line and even using some dialogue from the original story. 
          However I will be making adjustment and maybe even adding extra little chapters in order to incorporate Y/N into the story without the plot getting confusing so if the Original Manwha and My fanfic vary alot in certain chapters thats why, it's in order to make in more immersive for you guys as readers so that you don't feel like you've been forgotten in certain chapters if you get my gist. 
          Now... with regards to the ending. I have no idea what im going to do with it and whether im going to completely change it or go with the original plot. 
          I guess you'll have to keep reading to see.
          I Love you guys so much, thank you for your comments and direct messages they mean alot to me. 
          If you have any more questions about the story feel free to direct message me or comment under here.
          Next chapter will be out soon, i'm currently editing it! 
          Stay Safe! 


@fRanYxOX You too Stay safe, take your time-Love you! ❤


Next chapter will be out in a week, Final push of exams before I finally finish my A levels! 
          Then I’ll have all the free time I need to write more chapters for you! 
          I’m sorry for not being able to post as regularly as I should have, but thank you to all the Readers who have been patient and understanding! 
          Love you all, Wish me Luck!
          Fran ❤️


@fRanYxOX you're welcome dear xxx


          Just a mini update, so I haven’t updated in a bit because of some personal stuff going on but not everything is good and sorted and I feel great! I’m currently doing my end of year exams so I wasn’t able to write bc I was revising but.... my last exam is tomorrow and then I have 2 weeks off for Easter break so I’ll be able to write a lot more! 
          I hope you look forward to it, I’m going to try and make them the best I can! 
          Love you all,  be safe! 


@fRanYxOX Nice to hear from you! Good luck on your exam, Love you too, stay safe (I broke my phone so I can't do hearts) <3


*now everything is good and sorted 