
@Mia_babi no prob :) 


Hey! Thank you for reading my story and all the comments! Sorry I can't reply to them all so I just wanted to write on here and let you know that I have seen them and I wasn't ignoring you or anything xxx


Haha thanks and ignore most of them, I was being a troll yesterday however I love how well you right and the story is grand. Keep it up. 


ok you guys should totaly check out my new story its anothe boyxboy ahah and this one is goign to trip you out anywyas its called lost between love and war its goign to be awsome :) i hope you guys liek it and top all my awsome fans thanks for reading :P 


so ill be uploading a new book soon and hopefull i can finish this one sorry about the other ones they were some how publushed :/ so i decided not to finish them as for  those of you reading save the last dance for me ill be finishing it but not just yet 


sorry i havent uploaded in a while having major midlife crissis T^T honestly life sucks so im guna write me a new one :D thats write im puttting all my writing on hold and writing a ficion/nonfiction bio :D get to seee who the reall mando is :D 


ok so i have decided to re-write some of the chapters not much will change but i am guna mae a few corrections and chapter four parts one and two might end up being seperate chgapters :P i hope those of you reading save the last dance for me are enjoying it :P thanks for reading and fanning me :P yall are awsome