this message may be offensive
I just need to rant. You don't have to respond, just... yeah. I just finished crying because I don't know what to do anymore...
My Nanna (grandma from my Mom's side) has
been in a lot of pain because of arthritis which is normal. She will need to get a shot to relieve the pain. And my brother isn't helping.
This morning, my Nanna simply asked if he had
his glasses on, and he said, "Why do you care?"
Mind you.. he's basically blind. He NEEDS his
glasses, or he WILL GO BLIND. And this isn't the first time he said something rude to her, and it's pretty much only towards her because he hears my Mom says those things to Nanna, and he thinks it's okay. Some of my younger cousin who also talk to her that way.
She can barely open cans/drinks/or anything
Every day she's in pain and I'm the one who
always helps her because my Mom is always in
her room nowadays and my brother is a fucking asshole to her (sometimes).
Now, my Mom and brother are very good people. My brother is very sweet, but he only listens to my Dad. And I love my Mom, and I understand my Nanna doesn't have a great past, but she could at least care a little bit or help.
This is why I hate being sick. Because my Nanna had to do everything. I just don't know what to do, because my Dad is in Washington and my Dad's girlfriend can't do anything because my brother only listens to her because of my Dad.
I just want to sleep.. I just want to curl up in my
bed and sleep and not wake up. I just don't know how to help anymore. I can't get a job to help with payments, I can't drive to get my Nanna to the doctor or get her medicine because l'm too scared of driving, I don't know what to do with my brother because even when l'm nice he's rude, I don't want to bother my Dad with any of this because he could use that to get custody of us and he already can barely eat good or afford rant. I just don't know what to do. I feel useless right now.. I can't do anything to help. I'm so tired. I miss my Dad...