
My new book Heaven's Dead (The Day I Learned How to Die) 
          	Chapter One - Part 1/4 is up now! Go give it a read and tell me what you think!


I want to write for better reasons then those of which i ended up writing for. I gave up writing to pursue photography and art but in the wake of losing something I've spent a lot of time trying to succeed, I became less stressed and more bored. I have no friends, and writing made me feel like a had someone to converse in even if those conversations where between two completely different characters than myself. 
          I never thought I'd give up something that meant so much to me in one single moment. But I need and I want it back but I don't want the stress back, or worthlessness I felt everyday because no read my stories, I'm insecure and need constant reassurance that I'm worthy of whatever I'm trying to obtain. 
          So idk  and I'll leave my writer/author mind at that. 
          (Ps there's still a highly big extremely likely chance that I'll come back with small short stories that hopefully will come together to make a full novel and make me literary famous) 
          (But don't count on it) 


Sometimes you wake up and think "why am I doing this?" And then you sit in a numbing trance, a realization hits you. This isn't you anymore. And sometimes you don't wake up at all. 
          Why spend so much time stressing over something that you don't like anymore. Life is too hard as it, don't make it harder.