this message may be offensive
Dear, Dad What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't even deserve the time I take to write this but whatever, you wouldn't even read this if I sent it to you so what's the post... Fuck it I won't send it too you. You always treated my mum like shot when I was young, you wanted her to stay home and clean not get a job but then when us kids for into school you fucking tell and fight with her becuse she didn't have one? Your twisted youre fucking sick and I'm ashamed to even know you, you know that? You where an alcoholic but of course I didn't know that then. You spent money or stupid shit and we never had anything we needed, not even food. What was that for? Do you not fucking care? You know what I know you dont. Last year was your last straw with me, did you know that? When I was in the hospital for attempt of suicide, you wouldn't come even for a few hours...I needed you. Mom... she only went off on me and yelled at me about messing up her reputation. Your job doesn't even pay you enough for food anymore, why could you not just fucking leave for one day? Or remeber that one summer when we were at your house and you tried to kill youself? Or that next day when you left and didnt go home until we left? Or this summer when you promised to come over and visit but the whole summer you didn't and you only called once, didn't even talk to us just out Nanny. Or how now you call and when I pick up the phone you ask for mum and when I tell you she's at work you say okay and hang up, you don't even bother talking to your children. You know there is more but I won't even write it becuse you're not worth it.

this message may be
Also it was fucking amazing when you called me crazy becuse I was scared to talk to an stranger, you even thretened to send me to an mental hospital

Sorry that I've been gone sence January

HI. Just a quick run! Thank you sooo much for the follow. Hope you're having a great holiday. ALL THE LOVE - trisha ♡

Pretty sure I already forgot my password ;-;

sounds like someomes in love :) goodluck!i hope they see how much you love them!!

@FreakShowFairytail well i make sure becuse theres someone i talk to on this account whod i have no reason to live without them.theyre like my sibling,whatever they need me as ill be for them.theyre the reason im still here and the reason im alive,the reason i smile.

dude no way!! i couldnt ever like make sure that i dont get loged out it always happend one way or another

Thanks for the follow CX~tay