
I've published the first chapter of my new story, Heartless. I'm probably not going to continue with Eternal Night at the moment, as there's other things I'd prefer to write about and, to be honest, I'm a bit sick of vampires. So, yeah, you can read the new story, as I am determined to complete it. But I will warn you, it's dark and depressing (well, to me it is anyway), so don't read it if you're feeling especially sensitive/depressed/suicidal or the like. Well, you CAN read it...but I don't want to make you feel more miserable. I like marshmallows.


I've published the first chapter of my new story, Heartless. I'm probably not going to continue with Eternal Night at the moment, as there's other things I'd prefer to write about and, to be honest, I'm a bit sick of vampires. So, yeah, you can read the new story, as I am determined to complete it. But I will warn you, it's dark and depressing (well, to me it is anyway), so don't read it if you're feeling especially sensitive/depressed/suicidal or the like. Well, you CAN read it...but I don't want to make you feel more miserable. I like marshmallows.


@TheNamesTaken I actually thought up an even more messed up story, it's actually really depressing, but I was feeling sort of depressed at the time so...yeah. On the other hand, I'm writing this other thing that's more comedic, plus it has badass female characters and lots of guns and car chases, so I'm not a complete wacko! (correct me if I'm wrong)


hey I was writing this new story and in it, the main character's sister gets brutally murdered (this will have a significant part in the plot: i'm not just making up mopey back stories for everyone) and she watches it happen. then she and her mother have to go into hiding cos the killer if after them and during this time, her mother becomes really depressed and drinks a lot and her daughter has to pretty much fend for herself. She also gets bullied at school but then she starts hanging around with this misfit girl, but then said girl dies of a drug overdose. The character then drops out of school because she can't handle it anymore. She's really scared that the killer is going to get her plus she thinks her mum doesn't care about her (which is probably true) but she never complains and she pretends she's ok, because she doesn't want sympathy. She believes that she's 'cursed' that anyone who loves her 'goes away' and that she would be better off alone, but she can't cope by herself; she NEEDS companionship. Ok so does this sound a bit too angsty? I hate characters that are 'angst sues' and try to avoid them, but this sound realistic to you?


          Brafflalalala…I'm obsessed with merlin..........bailees pissy with me coz i didnt let her use my ipod in english coz inneeded it GODDAMIT BAILEE WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GET SO PISSY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!…um hi freakinstine...this is your thing…uum…can you be my counciller??