Hey guys wow I haven't used this account in a while but some people (not some like one or two people god bless ur souls) have been asking for updates? I didn't know people wanted to keep reading and I kinda just gave up on that story but if an update will be coming tonight. Yeah so if u want u can check that out and also one of my good friends has just started her own story, it's not fan fiction it's just a really sweet story that I enjoy reading and I think you guys will too (I mean one of the guys is Finn Harries what's not to like) and sorry I'm speaking like I have fans which I don't but I highly encourage whoever gets and reads this freaking paragraph to go check out my friends story! It's called together and her username is dumblesorethedog bc she named her dog dumbledore how cool is she and yeah if u can't find it just search it on google and it'll pop up thank you! Check it out and if u want read my story too if u want