Hi I'm FreakyKitty!!!!I have an awesome and adorable friend name cherryblossom1423 and my greatest friend MidnightLaughter272 also a good friend of mine Korelias!!!U should all follow them~Or face a wrath of my scissors!!!Just kidding but u should follow them!!!!I love anime very much!!!I love Hetalia mostly cause its awesome and funny!!!I watch more but I'm too lazy to write it all hehehe........Anyways!!!!I'm not that very social so I can't really talk to people that much.......I love to draw and read mostly fanfictions or creepypasta!!!!Even lemons and yaoi and I'm not ashamed for reading them~Hehehehe~I'm like France already!!!!I'm not ever going to tell u my favorite characters cause I want it to be a mystery~ So that's pretty much it!!!If u like u can message me here cause I'm always here........except being in school.......Or follow me in some other places!!!!So I hope we can be friends in here so see ya later!!!!Bysies~
  • BergabungMarch 19, 2014

Pesan Terakhir
FreakyKitty FreakyKitty Nov 09, 2014 10:34PM
For those who follow me I've got some votes saying u all want Hetalia 7 minutes in heaven yaoi so I'm going to start making it so stay tune ok~
Lihat semua Percakapan

Cerita oleh FreakyKitty
Garrence Lemon oleh FreakyKitty
Garrence Lemon
Don't judge me.I just want to make this for so long.Btw this is a first lemon I made in public.
Hetalia 7 minutes in heaven yaoi oleh FreakyKitty
Hetalia 7 minutes in heaven yaoi
Come and read your favorite shippings in hetalia to go in the closet to confess their love and might have fan...
Goodbye Friend~ oleh FreakyKitty
Goodbye Friend~
Read the story please
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