Okay, I just wanted to let you all know (those that actually read this) that I am neither dead, NOR giving up on 'Beware of her tongue'. It's just my internet bill this month cost £180!!!!!! So I have been cut of from the internet until further notice, however I AM still working on it and it's going really good I think. I'm actually laughing out loud as I write, whether that's because it's funny or i'm just an idiot we will never know, but at least it's a laugh. Anyway, to sum it up I will be back VERY soon hopefully and thank you so so SO much all 284 readers!! (unless it's the same four people reading it over and over again, even then thanks....I think) and I'll post you all soon :)
Thank you - Emily JHS xxx
(P.s I just stole my mums laptop now she's asleep to send this! Feel special!!) xxx