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So... I kinda told my (Christian) father that I’m attracted to not only the male but female genders as well as all of the genders. He told me I’m not old enough to make that decision. I will be THIRTEEN in two to three days (October 19), and I’ve dated one boy and two girls in the past two years and am currently in a relationship with a non-binary identifying human being and HE’S saying I don’t know for sure that I’M pan. It’s MY LIFE and MY SEXUALITY so what does his fictional stories-worshiping ass know? He told me we’ll talk about it next time I come for a visit (I go every other weekend, thank the universe I’m not going this weekend). If he starts going on that ‘god made men for women and women for men’ crap again I’M GONNA START FLAMING HIS ASS AND SAYING SOME PRETTY RUDE AND INSULTING SHIT and I really don’t want to get in shit. Can someone help me be ready for when he starts? (I swear his ‘ we are Christian no gays’ crap is gonna be the reason I start pissing him off even more with gay shit and start hating Christianity in all.) I have the feeling he’s gonna say ‘well you can’t be gay AND Christian’ and I’m gonna look at him and say ‘exactly’. I’ve always hated the fact he drags me to church every Sunday I’m there anyways. I AM NOT CHRISTIAN AND NEVER WILL BE. Also, did you know that there’s a NO HOMO DAY? I find that pretty fucking insulting to me and my fellow gays. Welp, guess I’ll die (not literally though).