
//-status- isnt that from american horror story? omfg


@MasonVerger // I only like him as Tate. Everything else I'm just like "meh"
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@Freddie_Lounds //im ashamed to say but i dont really find evan peters that attractive. hes just... too young for me.
            i said that to my friend at school and she punched me in the stomach and i was lyke well jesus christ xD it was no bueno.
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u a hoe hahahaha


@Freddie_Lounds || you must be new 'round here. im kinda like the reverse of a sour patch kid - nice and than naughty. well, with you, my nice didn't last very long thankfully. you make me wanna choke on a cactus...
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@MasonVerger I I "I'm surprised you care, Mason. Can I call you Mason? Or how about Lord Piggy?"
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@FrederickChilton || *swipes cane again without the possibility of you ninja dodging* ur gross
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