Hi everyone! Normally I don't really say much about my personal life, but I could really use some prayers right now. You see, my mom is pregnant. She was pretty young when she had me, seeing how she is now only forty. She's not that far along but she had a doctor's appointment today. My parents found out that the baby is having developmental problems. They have to go to a specialist to have more tests done but chances are the baby won't make it as it stands right now. So please, I am begging you, offer up a prayer for my unborn sibling. I'm so scared right now for my parents, especially my mom. I know I have said before that we don't get along all that well but I do love her and don't want anything bad to happen to her. I don't know if anyone here is religious, but no matter your religion please take 10 seconds to prayer for the baby. If you aren't religious please wish the baby luck. Thank you all so much, for you will never now how much this means to me. Please share this if you can and get as many people to see this as possible so the baby has the best possible chance.
All my love to those who do whatever they can for the baby ♡♥♡