Hi! Hope you are well! Will you consider reposting the private chapters for I Survived The Witch? Or is it too late? It's ok if not!
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Hello everyone, I have a feeling I need to do a bit of explaining, as some many have noticed I've not posted in a while. It started as a general lack of inspiration, maybe it was me grinding about being unable to get Tether right and constantly restarting the story (It's been redrafted 4 times now and I'm working on a 5th time, 3 of which were complete rewrites). It's been tough trying to get the story to feel right. I love the plot and the characters, but can't seem to nail a good intro to the world without over-complicating or dragging the plot on with no purpose. I keep trying new styles, new character voices, and new ideas but nothing seems to feel right and it drained my motivation to write at all. At end September those ideas began flowing and I jotted down pages of notes/ideas and was ready to write, only problem - I drove down to my parent's to help pick up and tow a trailer they bought cross country, got stuck a few days due to mechanical problems and when I got home decided to do a little tune-up on my own car (check fluids, change spark plugs ect...) This is when I found one of the spark plugs had swollen up in the engine and cracked it. Now I caught this before the darn thing exploded, but I still need to replace half my engine. In other words I'm all pumped and ready to write, 600 miles from home with none of my writing on hand. I even looked at the darn flash drive sitting on my desk before I left home and thought to myself, "Eh, It'll be a couple days driving and a day to fix my car, not going to bother bringing my documents with me." Ugh. I mean I have very old drafts, but I don't want to start writing with material from the 2nd redraft when all my 4th redraft material is sitting on a flash drive on my desk at home! Wish I was home, writing.
@jaybob214 If I can get it right! I'll try to power through I survived while I'm at it, maybe finish my edit so all I have to do is post weekly. Really trying to focus my attention on Tether though.
@jaybob214, it's not like I've got nothing with me, it's just the most recent drafts, aka the last 2 or so months. Car should be fixed soon and I'm going on a writing binge when I get home this weekend to make up for lost time.
@jaybob214, I've used them in the past but have had issues with forgetting to log off while using a less than public location. Normally keeping them on a flash drive is good enough, I've got it set to save there and on the computer I'm using. Didn't expect an old spark plug to result in a month away from home and a new engine. Was literally the first time I've not taken the drive with me... before I'd always have one in my pocket, even when going out shopping.
Hi! Hope you are well! Will you consider reposting the private chapters for I Survived The Witch? Or is it too late? It's ok if not!
I have deleted the story. Followed you and redownload the story yet I can't find the private chapters.
@user58578716 Wattpad did an update in late 2019 that deleted all private chapters.
I've only recently stsrted using wattpad and I came across your book and it piqued my interest so I read it and I have to say it's a really good book and I've become a big fan of it and I really hope you continuing it
@ilyjacobs well I've read both Vamzombie and Tether and loved both versions tho I'd love for you to continue Tether because I think the book has a lot of potential and I have yet to read Vamzobies sequel
@ilyjacobs which one? I've taken a break from writing for the past year while I concentrated on my career and girlfriend, but I'd love to continue some day
Hello everyone, I have a feeling I need to do a bit of explaining, as some many have noticed I've not posted in a while. It started as a general lack of inspiration, maybe it was me grinding about being unable to get Tether right and constantly restarting the story (It's been redrafted 4 times now and I'm working on a 5th time, 3 of which were complete rewrites). It's been tough trying to get the story to feel right. I love the plot and the characters, but can't seem to nail a good intro to the world without over-complicating or dragging the plot on with no purpose. I keep trying new styles, new character voices, and new ideas but nothing seems to feel right and it drained my motivation to write at all. At end September those ideas began flowing and I jotted down pages of notes/ideas and was ready to write, only problem - I drove down to my parent's to help pick up and tow a trailer they bought cross country, got stuck a few days due to mechanical problems and when I got home decided to do a little tune-up on my own car (check fluids, change spark plugs ect...) This is when I found one of the spark plugs had swollen up in the engine and cracked it. Now I caught this before the darn thing exploded, but I still need to replace half my engine. In other words I'm all pumped and ready to write, 600 miles from home with none of my writing on hand. I even looked at the darn flash drive sitting on my desk before I left home and thought to myself, "Eh, It'll be a couple days driving and a day to fix my car, not going to bother bringing my documents with me." Ugh. I mean I have very old drafts, but I don't want to start writing with material from the 2nd redraft when all my 4th redraft material is sitting on a flash drive on my desk at home! Wish I was home, writing.
@jaybob214 If I can get it right! I'll try to power through I survived while I'm at it, maybe finish my edit so all I have to do is post weekly. Really trying to focus my attention on Tether though.
@jaybob214, it's not like I've got nothing with me, it's just the most recent drafts, aka the last 2 or so months. Car should be fixed soon and I'm going on a writing binge when I get home this weekend to make up for lost time.
@jaybob214, I've used them in the past but have had issues with forgetting to log off while using a less than public location. Normally keeping them on a flash drive is good enough, I've got it set to save there and on the computer I'm using. Didn't expect an old spark plug to result in a month away from home and a new engine. Was literally the first time I've not taken the drive with me... before I'd always have one in my pocket, even when going out shopping.
Posting the 5th chapter of I Survived the Brute on Radish. If you've read the version here (or even on Amazon) I suggest checking it out on Radish, I've added a lot of detail for the Radish drafts, this particular chapter doubled in size after edits.
@Damonfan101 oh God, I've been real bad with that, I'm such a failure with keeping on task. I'd like to get it out some time this year, I've written about half of it with plot notes on the rest, but have been so invested in updating the first two books and rewriting Tether for the 6th time (not joking) that it's been way to long for this series.
I just had this crazy idea for a character voice in Tether, I noticed a while back that the cold start is hard on readers and it starts pretty heavy without much context. Last night I was thinking about Clarine's voice and 8 pages spawned out of me at 3am. I'm going to play with this for a while then maybe tweak Tether if it works. It adds a bit of dry humor to it and makes the start of it lighter, they'll still be the gruesome scenes in it, but I think having her voice a bit more prominent may break the ice and make the book easier to get into. Before now I never really knew her voice, but I'm getting this vibe of her turning chaotic mass murder into a daily routine and even lightly joking about it, almost to the point of sadism. She's gone so far down the rabbit hole murder has almost become one grande joke and she's unable to take anything seriously anymore. I don't know... this book has been rewritten and redone so many times I've lost count (4, it's been started over 4 times now...) if this experiment works I'll republish on Wattpad to send notifications, if not I'll do a silent edit for a few excess adjectives and typos (using the editing software I purchased and started using after the current Tether chapters were posted). Sorry for such a long time since an update for those who follow. I have started updating I Survived the Brute on Radish Fiction and have finally settled down in a place where I can focus on writing (I've moved to 3 different cities in two countries over the past 45 days, let's say life has been a bit chaotic.)
Get ready for the Radish release join the Radish Thunderclap! https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/43067-radish-android-launch-june-15?locale=en sign up for a 1-time post about Radish Android, I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait!
I have finished the posting on I Survived the Witch on Radish Fiction! I Survived the Brute will begin posting on June 15th! Also, mentioned I'll be giving away 20 coins to 5 people and only 5 people replied so everyone that messaged me will get coins! @Siddddd56 @Bongo123 @Muke_loves_me @diane1362 @mkizidoro please message me your Radish username. If you have android and don't have a username yet don't sweat it, fill out this form: https://radishfiction.com/pre-signup/index.html and tell me what your username is going to be! (form is to reserve a username). Thank you so much for paying attention to my notifications and replying XD
@FreeLove me
I've got 100 Radish coins to give away, to spread the love I'll be giving away 20 coins to 5 people! Stay tuned for details and drop a reply here so I know how many would be interested.
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