I feel so sorry for every us-citizen.
I feel sorry for the kids shøt in their school, every young woman, every native person and all people of color.
That's all I wanted to say.
I feel so sorry for every us-citizen.
I feel sorry for the kids shøt in their school, every young woman, every native person and all people of color.
That's all I wanted to say.
Tw sewerslide
I can't believe it's over...
I can't believe I'll never talk to him again...
I just, I can't believe that this happened
yet, he's gone.
The person that helped me live through my darkest times. The person that fixed up my arms, cleaned the wounds and told me I needed to keep going!
My brother is gone.
The man that seemed so invincible and unbreakable!
He's dead. He's not coming home.
And we weren't even at peace. We were not talking to each other. We never got to fix that.
And now we never will...
@FreeSchildtoete y'know, instead of negativity.. Have ya ever thought about that your brother is happy in heaven? Everyone wants to be in heaven and be happy, so what's the point of being negative about it, if the dead person is happy in there?
I mean- if you die, I'm sure you're happy in heaven too. I suggest thinking positive things would make things better
@FreeSchildtoete I may not fully understand the pain, but I know some of it. My brother passed away in a drug overdose, I know it’s not the same but just know you’re far from alone
I won't leave fully after all. lol.
Change of plans.
The writing is just way easier on Wattpad, so I'll just keep writing here and publish on Ao3 too. I'm also going to rewrite "This is me-English version" sometime.
Hope to see you on Ao3 soon!
I'm leaving Wattpad.
You will be able to find the works that are important to me and new works on AO3 soon. My username is @Schildtoete
I'm leaving bc Wattpad just isn't the same anymore. Works are getting deleted without warning, the inbox disappeared and most of my Wattpad friends aren't on Wattpad anymore too.
I won't delete my works on here though.
My heart is aching, bleeding, burning in a bad way.
I had an, in my opinion not that big, argument with my fiance. It was nothing huge, I just wanted a bit of distance to cool of afterwards. While I was cooling of, he left the flat. That was 7:30 pm. It's now 00:46 and we checked every place we could think of. We did not find him.
I'm worried sick. I'm literally so scared.