|| Sticker is in What Is Free Your Flaws ||
Est. May 3rd, 2015
Founded by Annabelle Castillo

Free Your Flaws is a campaign founded by Annabelle to promote the inner beauty of flaws and how they make a person human. It not only promotes flaws, but diversity, mental illness, LGBT+, physical disabilities, and different body types. To join this campaign, all you have to do is add the hashtag FreeYourFlaws to your bio
If your book contains a character that follows the criteria, you can add the tag FreeYourFlaws to your book and it will be added to a reading list. You may also add the sticker to your cover.

Just remember, have fun and be you!

- Annabelle Castillo
  • انضمMay 4, 2016


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What Is Free Your Flaws
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