I'm from Arizona. 

My writing style tends to be a bit different each time I write for some reason. It kind of goes with my moods.

That's all from me. Just PM me if you ever wanna talk or have questions.

People I hate the least:

@EclipseKuran (annoying friend)

@Crusader583 (Brother-in-writing)
  • Land of Bullshit
  • RegistriertJanuary 3, 2016

Geschichten von Arizona
Aggression von FreelancerArizona
A mere poem about the stupidity of aggression. I can't guarantee my ability to write poems, but it seemed lik...
Programme Memory von FreelancerArizona
Programme Memory
Memory mem(ə)rē noun 1. the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. 2. something remember...
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