
I have changed my username again and it will change again soon, I just need to come up with something cool. Sorry. 


Happy New Year! I plan on updating sometime this week since it's a new year, and I love you guys! What do you plan to do differently this year? Man, feels like 2012 was just yesterday. (I'm not making a bad joke I just mean like it feels like yesterday we were counting down to the start of 2012) 


Interview questions.
          A little about you-
          1. Favorite color (Because the most important thing to know about a person is their favorite color.)
          2. Your most listened to music genre.
          3. Go to musician.
          4. Your must watch movie.
          5. What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
          6. One item on your bucket list.
          Writing, Reading & Wattpad-
          1. What is your favorite genre to read?
          2. Which genre do you enjoy writing?
          3. Out of all the books you have read, (non Wattpad) which has been most pleasurable?
          4. Out of all the authors, (non Wattpad) who influences you and your writing the most?
          5. What Wattpad book stands out to you the most?
          6. Who is a Wattpad author that you admire for their writing?
          7. What is your best tip for amateur writers who want to take their works to the next level?
          8. What has been the most pleasurable part of your Wattpad writing experience? 
          9. How much farther do you want your writing career to go from here?