Hi, @LoriGoldstein here! I've been having a blast as the lead organizer of the Freshman Fifteens-Wattpad COMMON ROOM anthology contest. I'm copyediting all the stories --dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's--to get them all shiny for their JANUARY 27 release! (Be sure to follow me and the @Freshman15s to catch it when it goes live!)
In the meantime, we'd like to introduce you to the writers behind these amazing stories. We're featuring 5 writers on our Freshman Fifteens Web site for the next three weeks in the lead-up to the COMMON ROOM release.
This week, check out @arminius, @AnneLutz, @MakeMeSwoon, @_coralsky_, and @chandelier on www.freshmanfifteens.com!
Can't wait for January 27!