
COMMON ROOM is live!
          	The contest between the Freshman Fifteens and Wattpad that started last summer ends today in the publishing of our winners' fifteen short stories in the COMMON ROOM anthology.
          	These writers have worked so hard on their stories, and we, as their mentors, couldn't be more proud of what they've accomplished. I invite you all to swing by, read their work, and support these talented writers.
          	To all of you who entered our contest, thank you. We appreciate it and hope to continue to read your work!
          	Congratulations again to our winners!
          	-- @LoriGoldstein, organizer and author of BECOMING JINN (April 21, Macmillan)
          	More on the project and interviews with all the winners can be found here:


COMMON ROOM is live!
          The contest between the Freshman Fifteens and Wattpad that started last summer ends today in the publishing of our winners' fifteen short stories in the COMMON ROOM anthology.
          These writers have worked so hard on their stories, and we, as their mentors, couldn't be more proud of what they've accomplished. I invite you all to swing by, read their work, and support these talented writers.
          To all of you who entered our contest, thank you. We appreciate it and hope to continue to read your work!
          Congratulations again to our winners!
          -- @LoriGoldstein, organizer and author of BECOMING JINN (April 21, Macmillan)
          More on the project and interviews with all the winners can be found here:


COMMON ROOM launches in ONE week!  Today we've got our final set of interviews with the winners up on the Freshman Fifteens Web site:
          Swing by and find out more about @ashjellison, @katiespektor, @terryco, @cutieflutie, and @shellyzev before you read their stories next week.
          As the organizer of this contest, I'm so excited to share their work with you! Until next week!
          Lori (@LoriGoldstein)


Hi, @LoriGoldstein here! I've been having a blast as the lead organizer of the Freshman Fifteens-Wattpad COMMON ROOM anthology contest. I'm copyediting all the stories --dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's--to get them all shiny for their JANUARY 27 release! (Be sure to follow me and the @Freshman15s to catch it when it goes live!)
          In the meantime, we'd like to introduce you to the writers behind these amazing stories. We're featuring 5 writers on our Freshman Fifteens Web site for the next three weeks in the lead-up to the COMMON ROOM release.
          This week, check out @arminius, @AnneLutz, @MakeMeSwoon, @_coralsky_, and @chandelier on!
          Can't wait for January 27!


Hey everyone! We've been hard at work this fall working with our amazing winners of the COMMON ROOM short story contest. They've put their all into revising these stories and you're going to love 'em! We have some exciting news!
          A cover reveal and a release date!! January 27, 2015, right here on Wattpad!
          For more info about the happenings on this and any other project, be sure to follow both the Freshman Fifteens and lead organizer Lori Goldstein (@lorigoldstein), who's BECOMING JINN releases on April 21, 2015, here and on Twitter (@freshman15s; @loriagoldstein). Lori's going to be adding a boatload of new stories to Wattpad in the coming weeks: first up: a Vampire Diaries fanfic she's polishing because, you know, that's THE BEST SHOW EVER. (slight bias....)