Hey, my name is Rey Freitag. I'm a desendent of the Norse God Frey and am a witch like my twin sister, Reyna (@FreyaGothBarbie ). I'm pretty quiet, and not much of a fighter, but I'm smart and a good researcher. 

~I like~
-quiet places, like libraries.
-the color black.
-my sister.

~I dislike~
-unresonable people.
-loud people.
-angry people.

The Blackwell gang:
Matt Thorson: @VingthorBattleThor
Owen Walker: @Owen-Walker0192
Reyna Freitag: @FreyaGothBarbie
Rey Freitag: @FreyGothKen
(More will be added)

(Idk who is in/took the pics, but props to whoever was/did)
(This is an RP account and is part of the RP group run by @Riordan_RP )
(My actual account is @Monkey22a)
  • Trying to stop my sister from killing somebody.
  • JoinedJuly 27, 2020
