
soRRy guys To PosT HeRe B̊uT u wiLL DeFiNeTLy Like THis sToRy 
          i THiNk you'D Like THis sToRy: "   | 18+" B̊y LuNeTTa_wRiTeR oN waTTPaD HTTPs://̊uTToN&wP_uName=LuNeTTa_wRiTeR
          "iN a woRLD wHeRe Two souLs DesTiNeD FoR eacH oTHeR musT NaVigaTe oB̊sTacLes aND cHaLLeNges, THey wiLL DiscoVeR THe PoweR oF LoVe aND iTs aB̊iLiTy To TRaNsFoRm eVeN THe DaRkesT oF HeaRTs. as THey FaLL iN LoVe wiTH eacH oTHeR, THey wiLL aLso FiND THemseLVes FaceD wiTH THe PRosPecT oF TRaNsFoRmaTioN as THe LegeND oF THe gHosT wHo caN B̊ecome HumaN uNFoLDs."
          TRoPes FoR my  sToRy:
          * eNemies To LoVeRs
          * souLmaTes
          * suPeRNaTuRaL RomaNce
          * TRaNsFoRmaTioN (gHosT To HumaN)
          * ReDemPTioN
          * FoRB̊iDDeN LoVe
          * TRusT aND suB̊missioN


          I hope you don’t mind me posting this, but I just started writing my first book. It would mean a lot to me if you had the time to check it out! It’s a fantasy romance book about a human girl named Esmara. She lives in a world that is ruled by seven kinds of shifters. My first book is mostly focused on werewolves but will delve deeper into the other shifters over time. Check my profile for more info! I’ll update every 10-14 days.
          Have a great day! Thank you!


@ FreyaRose601 Hi, you can contact me on 


@AnnaMaria_93 Do give me your email for business enquiries, for your books 


@ FreyaRose601 Thank you, hope you will enjoy it!! 