Hello again, its been a Long Time since I gave a sine of Life from me.
Now I can say I Plan to become more active in the near Future. Why you my ask? Thats easy because I know have my Future Set and have Not to worry about it as much.
Anyways my next Projekts will be Something other than the Last ones, this ones will be real fanfictions, Set in the Univers of RWBY and including Military History!
I actually have two Story concepts in mind and will ask you in time for your opinions on them.
A little Spoiler ahead, this once will Not be about the World wars but focusing of two probably simular known and Party as brutal conflicts in histor as Well. Maybe some one wants to gues?
Anyway Hope you Guys have a wonderful day, See you hopefully soon
PS. Please excuse my errors, I write this on the Phone and the autocorection isnt Helping me