
I'm lonely.
          	I feel like I abandoned my last book.
          	I plan on re-writing it soon, as I think it could be better.
          	Also, I want to rp some Eddworld. (Ships I can do are TomTord/TordTom, EddMatt, TomEdd, and TorEdd)
          	So, PM me for some plots, prompts, and general RP rules, because I'm d e s p e r a t e.


I'm lonely.
          I feel like I abandoned my last book.
          I plan on re-writing it soon, as I think it could be better.
          Also, I want to rp some Eddworld. (Ships I can do are TomTord/TordTom, EddMatt, TomEdd, and TorEdd)
          So, PM me for some plots, prompts, and general RP rules, because I'm d e s p e r a t e.


          I have two plots I would like to try out in a rp, as I need to gather possible ideas and events for possible books in the future. ( They're TomTord/EddMatt stories, as both ships do appear in the plots. )
          Dm me or reply to this announcement if interested, and if I like the roleplay, I might chose events from it to happen in my newest planned book! ^^