I’m back from the dead
*has been buried under AP assignments and projects*
So I’m gonna update y’all.
He’s My Man is being unpublished. So what’s already there is not going to be there anymore. Here’s the reason why. I know I could make it so much better and I now know how to progress it but I’m going to have to start over with it. So don’t get mad. Everybody is going to have there Travis x Reader still. It’s just going to be better.
With Reality in Six Different Views, I’m moving that story to my other account that is mainly OTPs, Ships, and also personal stories that I’ve been developing. If you want to check it out it’s on MyStoryInTheFandoms.
Also...I’ve been reading past comments. I would like to apologize for my pronoun issues and spelling errors that are noticeable.
Now let’s get back to the world of Wattpad shall we?