@FrodoFangirl123 I feel the same way with two of my friends, whom I've known since middle school.
The first one got into contact with me and we have no spoken nor seen each other SINCE middle school, and he found me and got into contact, I randomly got the text and I saw his full name and I was like - wait a minute. Am I going crazy or is this real? I'm recently turned 23 in July, so middle school was a VERY long time ago. It was soooo weird. But we talked a little bit and then he offered to go get coffee or catch a drink since we're adults now and just talk about life, catch up in the little village nearby. I told him that I'd think about it, because it's so weird, I recently lost one of my best friends to suicide, so I'm not exactly in the right head space at the moment. And it's been like since August 8, since we last texted. And I feel bad for not getting back to him about it, I'm just an awkward person and he'll probably think how tf did I shrink so much since we were 15. At 15 I was 5'7 and now I'm like 5'3. I'm like the shortest one in my tiny little nook of a town. Everyone here is like 5'8-6'4. Lmao.
And then this other guy I've known since middle school, we still talk and text, and I see him now and again because he works with my mother and he often asks about me and such. I was going to go to his 22nd bday last week, but then I fell ill [Not Corona I promise, lmao.], I was having tons of girl problems and crap. And so I promised that I'll make it up to him. Like maybe go feed the ducks, go to the cafe or something, I dunno. We'll see.
So in a WEIRD way, I'm in the same boat. I'm a whole mess too. It's funny because I want to go on adventure and see the whole world, but at the same time, I'm anti-social af and like my own space. I've never truly left this little town, but I want to. I don't know, it's weird. It's like I'm tied down by chains, but I'm not. I don't know. xD