
          	That's all Folks.


Don't mean to pry but when will you release No Rest For The Wicked: Trial of Limbo???


@SmallerMight_123 Due to where the direction of the Manga is going, I am assessing and reevaluating the where my book will be going. 
            This is tedious and you've been so patient but the Manga has so many aspects I need to include to better mold Adrian into a better character, while not ignoring the story i have set up.
            Let's just say, I want to include many callbacks to the Manga in the book.


Any new info on Trial of Limbo?


@SmallerMight_123 Well, after three rewrites and two revamps, I have decided to combine all three versions into one...long...long...story. At least at this point. So, this means I can avoid annoying flashback sequences and only have necessary ones. 
            Additionally, the book will be longer and will probably span over multiple years, both in book-verse and IRL(Hopefully it won't).
            I will be posting a few chapters at the start then gradually stick to a weekly to bi-weekly schedule. (Bi-Weekly if work or other books get in the way)
            Hope that helps


Broda can i ask you something? 


@kinggodzilla2121 i dont think theres many females dmc 1-5 in the first place i think its beeter if theres no love intrest 


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@kinggodzilla2121 I also have Relationship Drama, especially when it isn't written well. Like, if a character thinks their significant other did something, why will they do anything but just fucking ask them their perspective. 
            It is so stupid... 
            I haven't decided if Arden will get romantic in this story but I know I want him to be different from his Brothers.


@kinggodzilla2121 i have no problem with sex its just the stupid romance drama that annoies me  


Hey everyone, I'm back from a long break. 
          I just wanted to let y'all know that I've updated my Speedster x BNHA Book(Running).
          It has been a while and I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. 
          It is Chapter 97: Distance
          Have a great day, evening or night, I don't know what time zone you are all in. 
          I hope to continue writing as soon as possible and not take a break for quite some time.


Greeting Everyone,
          I just wanted to share that Chapters 94 & 95 of "Running" have been posted. I am announcing this due to how this Website/App has been a little bit slow to notify people, which has been evident from a certain few Private Messages left in recent days. 
          So, quick reminder: 
          Chapter 94: Bolt of Lightning
          Chapter 95: Positive & Negative 
          Have now been released for people to read. 
          Have a Good Morning, Day, Evening or Night, whichever works for whomever reads This


this message may be offensive
Greetings People
          Look, uploading chapters have been a bit everywhere and I'm sorry for that. With assisting somebody with moving in with me and another death in the family(These people keep dropping like flies), along with my recently passing birthday(Fuck I feel Old). 
          I am also trying finding time to continue my studies in University.
          My life has been nothing but Chaotic... 
          Although, it's looking up and I had time to start writing again so expect a chapter either today, tomorrow or the day after that. 
          I hope to get back into weekly to at least Bi-Weekly uploads like a few months ago. If it gets too much, I'll just go with Monthly bit for now I'll try Weekly to Bi-Weekly. 
          As always, have an acceptable day or night, I don't know where you all live... Maybe... Lmao.
          Hope you enjoy my works because I'm starting to move away from the usual stuff and going towards completely Original Content after I finish the series I have already started. 
          Stay tuned for those and now I think I'm rambling. Sorry, I swear somebody threw me at a wall when I was a kid or at the very least experimented on my brain, lol. 


@loveyouniyathreat Thank you for your support & understanding! It means a lot


@FrodoMcDabbins it's ok I understand I'm just happy your still updating


Can we please have a update for Running?


Oh right Sorry


@dragonfire314 I uploaded a recent chapter a day or two ago. But in any case, I'm planning on uploading a few more in the coming days