
GUESS WWHAT BESTICLES! I HAVVE DEACIDED (as i hate myself and don't wwant to do homewwork) TO WWRITE MHA STORIES AGAIN. (that doesn't include Vvillian Deku x Reader, i hate that, it can burn in hell for terrible wwriting). BUT UH YEAH  I'M GONNA START WWITH A VVILLIAN FROPPY SO YEAH, FUN (why is this in all caps?)


@FrogQueen07 ooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooon YASS BESTIE


GUESS WWHAT BESTICLES! I HAVVE DEACIDED (as i hate myself and don't wwant to do homewwork) TO WWRITE MHA STORIES AGAIN. (that doesn't include Vvillian Deku x Reader, i hate that, it can burn in hell for terrible wwriting). BUT UH YEAH  I'M GONNA START WWITH A VVILLIAN FROPPY SO YEAH, FUN (why is this in all caps?)


@FrogQueen07 ooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooon YASS BESTIE


We need to start assuming that everyone is gay (or LGBTQ+) so now it really awkward for straights to come out.


congrats on coming out


@FrogQueen07 but im staight so what dat mean :(


To think I was at 9K in april, and back in october I started my first story for a joke. In this time my writing style has improved so much. And now where here, almost 20K, tnanks to everyone who gave my story a try, it's helped me come this far.


Positivity chain time
          Write three things about yourself and post it on ten of your followers message board
          1) I bet I could beat u in a Harry Potter quiz
          2) When we get back to school, the first thing I'm going to do is force all of our friends to group hug
          3) My birthday is in less than a month u better remember it