Hi, it's been a long time since we've last chatted^^ I quitted using Wattpad not that long ago but, I've come back to this app for a reason, I don't know if you're inactive now but, I do hope you'll be able to see this message. Sorry I wasn't able to chat you anymore. More things came into my life and I had new experiences. School became a huge thing to me where I didn't have online school anymore and have face to face. But, I do hope you're doing great in your life, you may have struggles sometimes but, you'll be able to overcome it. Don't forget you'll never be alone in a journey without someone important beside you helping you through your journey and making you smile! If you ever want to chat me again you can add me in discord, my user is sirius_luei. It was really fun chatting with you, you were the first friend I got on this app. I wasn't able to forget you when I re downloaded Wattpad. I first went to check your account and notice you still followed me, I was really shy to send a message so, this took me a long time to send. I really appreciate to have you as my old friend. I do wish to begin our friendship once again, I hope you'll have a great day. I hope you a merry Christmas, and a happy new year. This will be an advance new year message and late Merry Christmas message but, December isn't still over so it's still Christmas. <3

I remember very much yes. No need to say sorry you had or have some stuff going on in your life and that’s totally fine and understandable. I also went off for a bit since I busy working out again, school, work and some dumb little things like relationships. Hopefully you’ve been doing great and make each day worth it :) my user is stylishb I’ll be more than happy enough to chat with you more and know how you’ve been doing. Must I say, I’m flattered you remember me from this time but like you said I was ya first friend so that explains it lol. I’d like to think that an old friendship is able to come back like it was, I appreciate the fact you reached out again and have an amazing day from now and in the future. Hope you had a merry Christmas and will have a happy new year :)