
Yo-ho! There’s a vote in my WhatsApp channel! If you’re not joined there make sure to check the link in my bio that takes you to my where my WhatsApp link is there
          	 (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


@ FroggyLake  on it!


Yo-ho! There’s a vote in my WhatsApp channel! If you’re not joined there make sure to check the link in my bio that takes you to my where my WhatsApp link is there
           (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


@ FroggyLake  on it!


An ask from Straw.Page:
          “Where are the pictures that you draw? I can't find them anywhere.”
          Answer: well, if we are talking about instagram then I archived my posts there (I don’t post in that account for now and idk if I’ll get back to it if delete it-) I have other socials! Such as WhatsApp channel for more updates, votes, arts and WIPs! Join the WhatsApp channel and don’t forget to check my CountryHumans shenanigans book because it also has arts ;]


*publishes chapter*
          *waits for the reactions and screaming*


@FroggyLake it should be waits for the screaming reactions bc that's pretty much all there is


@FroggyLake wasn't on my phone all evening...
            tho now I gtg to sleep D:


Im supposed to be asleep… how the hell can i sleep now


Copied from WhatsApp 
          *sound of door creaking open* we gotta address the elephant in the room. I’ve been having some different hypertensions lately and it’s kind of what kept me busy from the CH fandom, but other than that, the idea of working all over the _Unsigned Letters 4.5_ was also a factor that made me feel overwhelmed with perfectionism and having to “get the job done” but it’s time to admit it. I think I’ll have to cancel that chapter and stick to part four being the last, because I know I won’t be able to get it under work. It’s just so hard to work on it and every time I wish to write a chapter I just remember (you didn’t write unsigned letters 4.5!! You can’t upload unless this one is done!) and I get back to square zero all over again! Ugh..
          I really hate that I’m saying this…but yeah, Unsigned letters 4.5 is canceled, but more chapters will come and the lore of Germany’s family will still stick around. I’m sorry about all the asks that won’t get answered, I feel like crying rn at saying this because trust me when I say you guys deserved to have it but I just can’t work on it really (。ŏ﹏ŏ)


@ FroggyLake  So exited to see the chapter! Can't wait! And it's amazing to hear that it's easier and not something you stress over! :D


@FroggyLake no worries! take care of yourself first, that should always come before other things!


@FroggyLake (late) it's fine, prioritise your own mental health and wellness, and write what makes you happy <3 would write more but i'm tired so do whatever makes you proud of your own work ❤


I know my updates are slow, I'm procrastinating too much for my liking and I need to whip myself into shape AHAHSHWHWIS but I came here to make one thing clear as crystal:
          I won’t give up on the one shots book


@FroggyLake take your time :) DRINK WATER HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS- but seriously take as much time as needed and take care of yourself <33


@FroggyLake Please, just take all thie time you need! we can always wait for you <3


@ FroggyLake  don't worry! Take your time with it and don't stress yourself out with it! Take breaks :3


Froggy, volta a postar por favor (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Eu sei que você ainda está escrevendo mas eu não consigo esperar (⁠T⁠T⁠) 
          Esquece o que eu disse, você precisa descansar!!! Mas eu ainda sinto sua falta, espero que você esteja bem, minha amiga!(⁠^⁠^⁠)


@Cupid0227 and I miss seeing your comments and your excitement for it! I’ll do my best to get it done in the upcoming 48 hours!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


@ FroggyLake  Eu vou esperar animadamente até você postar! Eu tô com tanta saudade de rir e comentar nas suas histórias (⁠T⁠T⁠)


*SLAPS TABLE* YO! Guess what?! Almost nearing 1k words of the QnA chapter and I HAVENT EVEN STARTED GETTING THEM TO READ THE LETTERS!!!
          I’ll do my best to make this chapter worth the wait: because I’m sensitive and emotional and I feel guilty for taking too long on you guys-
          Ahem anyway, let’s hope I get it done in a week or so! I don’t want to take too long on it you guys have been nothing but patient and I’m SO EMBARRASSED to ask you guys to wait a little bit more。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。♡


@FroggyLake no worries about taking a bit time to make this!! it'll be awesome so you're totally good!


@FroggyLake it'll be great ik it take your time :D


@ FroggyLake  All the time we waited, it turned out worth the wait. Don't rush it and if you need more than a  week then take it!


Hello everyone! Yes it’s late here but I got emotional and I want to say this, with all my heart and sincerity:
          <<Thank You>>
          Thank you for your support and respect, for your interaction and engagement to my books, for waiting and being patient and understanding of my break needs and busy life with work and what not, for just being the best readers I’ve ever got!! I really never thought that my book would hit such numbers or just have so much love and world build thanks to Allah and then to your help❤️ I want to say that there’s more to come insha-allah! More lore, more character development and most of all, HEALING!!!! (But I don’t think Russian Empire would heal. He’s just that broken coUGH-)
          Again, thank you all, and prepare for what’s to come with the biggest bomb being 
          <<Who is Germany’s Mother?>>


@Cupid0227 oh my!! CUPPY YOULL MAKE ME CRRRRY!! Your words cheer me up! And I’m happy that I am that to you! I love seeing your comments too even if it takes time to translate them I can’t wait to read them and laugh and be happy and reply to you! I’m saddened to hear about your mother and I hope she gets well soon and that her pain will go away, please take care of her always!! <3 thank you for being so sweet and kind to me as well and I WILL REST DONT WORRY HAHA!!!!❤️


@ FroggyLake  Isso é tão fofo, Froggy! Na verdade, você não deveria nos agradecer, já que estamos aqui porque você é incrível! Falando por mim, quando entrei na sua história, não esperava uma recepção tão boa. Geralmente, tenho muito medo de comentar em histórias ou fanfics em línguas que não sejam a minha, porque não sei escrever em inglês (entendo o básico, mas escrever é outra história). Isso me deixa nervosa porque, às vezes, recebo comentários racistas ou xenofóbicos, o que  sinceramente é muito irritante. (Ou, pior ainda, respostas em espanhol, o que de alguma forma consegue me irritar ainda mais -_-).
            Mas você foi completamente diferente de tudo isso. Desde o início, você foi super gentil e acolhedora comigo! Depois de um tempo, toda vez que eu comentava, ficava ansiosa esperando uma resposta sua, porque era sempre tão divertido lê-las (e ainda é!). Não sei quem você é pessoalmente, mas saiba que você anima minha vida toda vez que vejo um novo capítulo ou uma nova resposta sua.
            Minha mãe sofreu um acidente e não consegue mais andar (ela tá melhorando mas ainda está sofrendo), então tenho que cuidar dela. Por causa disso, minha vida não tem sido muito alegre ultimamente, mas, toda vez que vejo alguma interação sua isso realmente me deixa bastante animada.
            Obrigada por existir, Froggy! Você realmente traz luz para a minha vida chata. (^_^)
            E..... VÁ DESCANSAR FROGGY!!!


@FroggyLake firstly thank YOU for spending time to write the best that you can and always asking your readers for feedback / random stuff, as well as checking up on them <3 you're genuinely kind and an amazing writer so don't shortchange yourself because it IS that good <33
            make sure to take breaks and drink water or all of us will come after you and make you sleep <33


Just to let yall know -as well as me. I need to get it together- hopefully the QnA chapter will be uploaded on January!! I don’t have a specific date in mind but I hope to get it published by then, and return to my regular updates like twice a week or thrice- THANK YOU ALL!!! For being patient and understanding as to me needing a break (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)


@MultiWing prepping to witness mass re bullying from you


@ FroggyLake  take your time with it no worries! Don't overwork yourself


@ FroggyLake  Don't worry, take your time and don't set a  date because it will only stress yourself!


To the anonymous reader who requested the chapter and thanked me in Straw.Page:
          You're welcome! I'm surprised it was even remembered in the first place because while yes I'm embarrassed about it, your request for it to return made me feel better about it, thank you for your kind words and respectful request! ^^