
Hello again. It's been a while since we last talked, and I have another question I want to ask you regarding Blake again. I was chatting with @farmerabe about how I could improve Blake's character for a fanfiction I was writing. Namely, I wanted to change her character to be a little more tolerable because I find the way that she was written in canon to be severely flawed, but he said that it would be difficult to do because I would essentially be replacing Blake with an OC that mimics her appearance if I altered her too much. I'm fine with breaking her worldview if that's required, but I want to know if it's possible for me to at least make her less insufferable before that point, or if I'm doomed to keep her as is.


@AgentEagleIsGone Depends, you’d have to alter her back story. Abe is right however, if you do too much she won’t be Blake. The Best you can do is justify her changes, and that starts with her backstory.
            Take the traits you want to instill in her, and craft an explanation as to why she is the way she is. You don’t need to show her back story to the audience. In fact, keep it to yourself and use it to guide her writing.
            It also depends on what kind of story you’re planning to tell with her.


Thank you for your insight. I appreciate getting the chance to hear your opinion on the matter.


@FrolenZan And people wonder why I use Adam to address the racism subplot.


@AgentEagleIsGone Anytime. I’ll leave you with this. Ghira doesn’t necessarily need to die for Blake to learn a lesson, but it’s more plot significance and tragic for the story. Blake is literally the only character in team RWBY who’s never suffered. She is so spoiled that she’s taken for granted how blessed she is. 
            Ruby and Yang lost Summer, and Yang had to practically raise Ruby when her father was broken. Yang was abandoned by Raven. Weiss came from a household so toxic her own father treats his family like a monetary asset, Her mother a neglectful drunk, her sister left her to join the military, and her brother is left to the mercy of her Father. Nora and Ren are Orphans, Pyrrha has had her life stolen by publicity and celebrity life, and Jaune had to break away from his family because they had no hope in him (mind you this is speculation, but he was desperate enough to run away because he desperately wanted to achieve his dream). While his choices weren’t smart, his desire to help all people is what endears him to so many fans.
            What the hell did Blake suffer through that wasn’t her own choice. Both her parents are alive, they own a mansion in a tropical island, her father is the chieftain, the rebel group she joined, to support Faunus rights of course, but her parents had that handled. Stayed when they became extreme against her parents warnings. Ran away when things started getting too real. Yet constantly berates the Fang who actually suffered, and scolds the humans who’ve been hurt by the fang.


Yeah, putting it into words helps me actually see how wrong Blake was (not that I didn't see it before), but I feel like this boils down to another problem with the story; Blake's character (and the character of all of the protagonists, for that matter) are horrendously written. Blake is an especially bad case, given how her character in retrospect has been complete shite since Volume 1. The story constantly bends over backwards to ensure she's always in the right when she shouldn't be, and she has a serious victim complex. The reason why this is a problem is because, when Blake is like this, it's impossible to root for her. Its really not a good sign when we have to resort to killing her dad to actually get a point through her skull,and when that takes five volumes to actually happen, you end up with a protagonist few people are going to root for and nobody is going to like. I'm not against humbling her, but I feel like her character needs to be rewritten her her to be someone the audience would even be willing to tolerate for an extended period of time, much less root for. And when you do that, it lessens the need to humble Blake and her father dying comes off as unnecessary.


@farmerabe that’s ultimately what angers me about bumblebee. That just because they’re lesbians is all the reason to put them together. That girls just can’t be friends without major sexual tension, or that Lesbian or not a women is more than just their sexuality.


@FrolenZan Again, well said.
            It's like being the same gender somehow makes a relationship good, despite its many, MANY flaws these days...


Howdy. I'm a friend of Farmer Abe, and I was curious on your opinion of Blake from RWBY. We are currently in the process of discussing how we would rewrite our character, and Farmer Abe said you would be able to explain the problems with Vlake's character pretty well.


@FrolenZan Yep.
            Something needs to shatter this viewpoint, and while Ghira's death is not required, it DOES take a pretty big sledgehammer to Blake's worldview.


@farmerabe Like we stated before, Ghiras death isn't necessary, but it's a perfect catalyst to shift Blake's moronic sense of thinking. She's never suffered significant lost, she constantly runs away from her problems, and when her stance is questioned, it's F everybody else I'm right you're wrong. 
            For goodness sake, she called the white fang misguided despite all the terrorist attacks. Not because she cares about the faunus, but because admitting that the white fang are monsters, is admitting that she as an ex fang was just as much a monster as well.