
So I died. Sorry about that. I was going to update EAHNAS, but my switch was dead (yes, I use my the game for the map and stuff), and then I thought I'd work on the fic after it was charged.
          	Ofcourse, that never happened. I'm trying to get the motivation to work on that fic, but I can't bring myself to do so.


So I died. Sorry about that. I was going to update EAHNAS, but my switch was dead (yes, I use my the game for the map and stuff), and then I thought I'd work on the fic after it was charged.
          Ofcourse, that never happened. I'm trying to get the motivation to work on that fic, but I can't bring myself to do so.


Hey, it has been a while.
          I know I've been gone for a very long time, and I apologize for that. I don't ever use Wattpad anymore, hence why I've been gone for months. I probably won't update again, don't know when I will. To those of you who have been waiting for me to update Even a Hero Needs a Saviour, please don't expect me to update any time soon. If I even do an update, I will, but that's very unlikely.
          Stay safe guys!


Aye guys. Once again, I apologize for not working on anything. I'm planning on rewriting or editing the works I have when I get the chance (or when I feel like it). I don't know when I'll be updating anything, but I doubt it will be anytime soon.


I've been inactive for a month, whoops lol. Sorry about that guys. With school and life in general, its gotten hard to make time to write chapters.
          Speaking of which, I'm planning on writting a story thats sorta based off a game I used to play, and I'm really excited to start typing it out.
          I'll try to continue my Male Reader insert when I get the chance.


I apologize for being inactive on my stories. I haven't had time to write, but hopefully during the Chriatmas Break I can get working on my books.
          Speaking of books, I will be rewriting Phantom and Knight: the Demon Awakens, Blood of the Moon, In the new Wild (again), and possibly The Heart of an Assassin. I may also be adding a new story called The Seer, which I've been (trying to) work on for the past few months.
          Again, I apoligize for my absence, and I hope I can start writing again!