
I'm soooooo sorry peoples! It took me off of your fans for some reason. I'll try to refan all of you, but my account is being difficult, and I can't remember everyone I had fanned before. I will probably only refan my friends and neighbors that I know personally because they can tell me their account names. I'm truly sorry for the incident. Please don't feel hurt because it is DEFINATELY not your fault.


I'm soooooo sorry peoples! It took me off of your fans for some reason. I'll try to refan all of you, but my account is being difficult, and I can't remember everyone I had fanned before. I will probably only refan my friends and neighbors that I know personally because they can tell me their account names. I'm truly sorry for the incident. Please don't feel hurt because it is DEFINATELY not your fault.


Ravens do not rule! :O they are like second compared to GRYFFINDORS! and come second last before Hufflepuff in notority :D Guess whose first? The Lions! :D
          Unicorns are fine, a bit boring, They aren't a Phoenix or a Dragon. i've seen it, it's funny, not as funny as the rambo one.
          Fcuk Hannah Montana. lol


Omg!!! I know! It's flipping awesome!!!! I know all the lyrics too! Oh! By the way, your not weird at all compared to me. I sing about unicorns everyday. 'don't call me a horse, I'm a unicorn, mystical magical mysterious, not playing' you know? That type of thing. Hehehe


Omg!!! I know! It's flipping awesome!!!! I know all the lyrics too! Oh! By the way, your not weird at all compared to me. I sing about unicorns everyday. 'don't call me a horse, I'm a unicorn, mystical magical mysterious, not playing' you know? That type of thing. Hehehe