Hey everyone, Frost here with some good news! Chapter 5 of the Battle Royale Series to conclude the series is officially out now!! I hope u all enjoy it? With Chapter 5 released, the Battle Royale Series book is officially completed and is over. Hope u all enjoy how it all ends?!
More info on the December 15th for the 26 part book series!
So, more info on it as promised from a previous announcement I mentioned on it. It's called "Eeveelution Squad AU (Alternate Universe): The Full Complete Book Series!" it's a 26 part book series collection of all chapters from all 3 books me and my friend made but all into one book! Making it easier for the people who want to see the full series without having the hassle of looking for the other books in the series ark! On December 15th, it will be released. All chapters will be released at once. All on December 15th! All chapters are the same with some changes and improvements to it. So, it's more of a remake but at the same time it sorta not u know? Anyways, hope u enjoy it everyone? Hope u a are excited for it as well!
That's all for now, see ya on the next announcement on December 15th about the release of all chapters in the complete book series collection of Eeveelution Squad! Stay frosty like Frost! Peace!! :)