
Okay this is kind of a part two to my last announcement. My art got appealed!!! *mind blown* so I guess it wasn't about gore after all, or if it was, they realized it wasn't supposed to be self-harm induced.
          	I just censored all my art for nothing XD but I'll keep those versions handy if something like this happens again just in case that time it doesn't get appealed ( Though, I don't currently have any chapter art that's any worse in gore than the one they tried to flag, and I'll never drawn anything inappropriate, so that's unlikely. Then again, Warriors Amino had a problem with the art in chapter Nineteen but none with the one Wattpad saw fault with, so who knows, again again, that was according to that specific amino, not the app itself, so who can be sure )
          	Thanks for the advice guys, I didn't expect to be appealed honestly, I didn't even explain anything to the mods lol


Okay this is kind of a part two to my last announcement. My art got appealed!!! *mind blown* so I guess it wasn't about gore after all, or if it was, they realized it wasn't supposed to be self-harm induced.
          I just censored all my art for nothing XD but I'll keep those versions handy if something like this happens again just in case that time it doesn't get appealed ( Though, I don't currently have any chapter art that's any worse in gore than the one they tried to flag, and I'll never drawn anything inappropriate, so that's unlikely. Then again, Warriors Amino had a problem with the art in chapter Nineteen but none with the one Wattpad saw fault with, so who knows, again again, that was according to that specific amino, not the app itself, so who can be sure )
          Thanks for the advice guys, I didn't expect to be appealed honestly, I didn't even explain anything to the mods lol


Apparently a chapter art I did for TCL somehow violated the Wattpad guidelines and so they flagged it and took it out. They didn't explain the exact rule that the image broke, so I can't be 100% sure why this happened, BUT the image did feature injured characters, blood and scratches, maybe a bite-mark or two, so this is the most likely cause.
          However, I looked in the guidelines and I don't see anything related to gore or violence, besides the act of self-harm. The injured characters in the image were not injured through self-harm, they were fighting each other. There is nothing to suggest that the characters did that to themselves.
          So maybe whoever reviews images thought it was a different rule that was broken, maybe they mistook it for something inappropriate? I'm not sure how anyone could mistake this particular image for suggestive content, because it features absolutely NONE, but if all the images are moderated by bots or some sort of AI, I wouldn't put it past them to make that sort of mistake.
          Now, I could create a censored version of the image and get rid of all the blood and injuries, but if the image was mistaken for violating a rule other than one pertaining to gore, that won't help and the new image might also be flagged, and I might run the risk of having my story taken down or even my account disabled again, and I don't want to take that chance.
          ( I already appealed, but I only asked them about why the image was flagged, I didn't explain why I think the image should be reinstalled. Was that a mistake? Probably... )
          Does anyone know how the moderation team works or anything about the guidelines on gore and violence? I could really use some clarity here :/


@I_am_a_dude Yeah alright, that's probably best. I have gone and replaced any art that shows blood with censored versions anyway though, with info on how to see the originals, just in case.


@FrostedSketches Id just wait til you get a response before trying anything again. If you don’t get one within 3 days, write another and make sure to state all your points(confusion on why it was taken down, clarification for their reasoning, why you want it back up, etc.)


Not sure how this happened, it must've been near the beginning of ThunderClan's Loyalty when I first started writing it, but in the Allegiances of Book Two, Duckpaw and Gullpaw are listed as eight moons old, only one moon older than Nightfeather and Daisyfrost.
             I distinctly remember when I first wrote the last chapter of the first book, noting that Duck and Gull were TWO moons older than Night and Daisy, however old they were at the time of that chapter.
             So idk how I ended up listing them as only one moon older all this time. I think perhaps it slipped my mind that Night and Daisy were seven moons old in that chapter, I think in my brain they were still six, so naturally two moons older came to eight moons old, and that's how it all started.
             ( Note: I wrote the ThunderClan allegiances in the first book before I wrote any of the chapters, but I hadn't figured out the other Clans yet. I wrote the last chapter of that book, and THEN I wrote the allegiances for RiverClan around the characters I'd made up specifically for that gathering, so no I couldn't have just consulted the Alligiances, and that's why such a mistake could've happened that way.
             And then I totally revamped the TC allegiances because I realized I had originally made Whiterain an elder and added a character called Darkpaw who is actually supposed to be born WAY later than any chapter I've written yet, alongside his brother Ashpaw LOL and some of the ages were messed up, but that's besides the point )
             Anyway, just wanted to let y'all know that Duckkit and Gullkit in the first book allegiances are now 2 moons old, and Silentkit, Sandkit, and Minnowkit are also 3 moons old because I prefer the age variation and it actually benefits Silentpaw in a way. Them as apprentices in the second book allegiances, they are now 10 moons old, and Silent and her siblings are 11


Did I post a ThunderClan's Loyalty chapter today? Or was Chapter Nine from Friday?


@Spiritsx Guess that means the next chapter will be up now, not Wednesday ( though the next after this will still be up then )


I'm staying away from Tumblr for awhile until people come to their senses


@I_am_a_dude Including myself honestly. If I look at any of it I'm just gonna get angry and say something that'll get me cancled XD


@FrostedSketches politics see important, we shouldn’t ignore them, but people get wayyy too into it and pissy lol


I was today years old a couple months ago when I found out that some breeds of SHEEP, they don't just have one or two babies at a time like most ungulates... no, they have full on LITTERS. Like seriously, they actually refer to them as litters. The world record for the most lambs a sheep can have in a litter is EIGHT. LAMBS.
          I. . . I-I feel like my life has been a lie, I can't explain it. My GOSH-