
Happy new year everyone! see you all next year!


I want to thank all them peoples who read THE ZOMBIE HUNTER. 125 bro's. I love all of you. Now just tell me what you think.


148!!! whoa! I had 12 readers in a matter of hours. :) that actually doesn't really sound cool now that I think about it. :( Oh well! :D


now 136!!! I feel so special guys. Thank you readers.


I got lots of reading materials for summer. that's what all my reading lists are for. so far I have enough to last three months of summer. (that's why I haven't started reading things yet. if I start reading now I won't have time for school or library books. so I kind of "stored a bunch for winter" to fuel my mind.) be prepared for tons of votes and comments over the summer because I have at least one of all my followers and followed peoples books in my three lovely lists I have split for each summer month. wow I right a lot! ;) ;P


QUICK SURVEY...(my answers in parenthesis)
          1.How many hours a day do you normally spend on watt pad? (4 OR 5 maybe more.)
          2. Which do you prefer, reading or righting?
          3. What genera of stories do you read/right?
          (anything I can get my hands on or imagine up)
          4. Pizza, salad, or chips and sandwich?
          (totally chips and sandwich.)
          5. Favorite sport?
          (Basketball and softball.)
          6.zodiac sign? 
          (Cancer the crab.)


@Frostfrog9579 its just a little something to give me some ideas for the personality of a new character I have. 


I'm zooming through caves with so many ideas my head be spinning here and there. READ CAVES. i have music that you play when you are reading to let you have more of an emotion connection with the story. That and music is so fun to mess with!!!! Please read, my mind was mystified as i reread all my chapters.


Watching stuffing ceremony of turkey now guys!!! ceremony =clean turkey, take extra stuff out like organs,(I'm watching the organs come out now!), dad plays with the turkey, (the whole time and makes a few jokes), then buts am apple and am onion up its butt. then my dad covers it in butter and seasoning and viola. Life guys :) love ya all.