
Hey, I'm back with a quick promo for my friend. Her first chapter just came out for a book she has planned.  Check it out here ---> Leave a comment and a vote if you enjoyed! I know she'd love the comments and suggestions too!


I am going to be having Alpha Female redone and revised by a friend of mine and then have her continue it on her account. So Heads up the I will be sharing that story soon when she decides to take up the challenge.


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For those who don't know this account is basically gone. I haven't been on in months and when I was on it was for about a day. Then I vanished again. Now well here I am, and my about me says I'm 13.... shit I'm 15 now, getting close to 16. Obviously this account is dead. I know those who read Alpha Female love it, but I don't and I have no desire to write it again. 
          Though I want to stay on Wattpad, this is not the account I'm going to do it with. Through this account I've lied and i don't want to do that again. If you really really need to know what my new account is, PM me. I will tell you. This new account will be focusing on a story that I'm currently in the process of writing. I have made a prologue, which is up on here.
          Thank you all for following me, and maybe I'll see you guys on that account one day.