Hey guys, I'm sorry for being super super inactive it's just that a lot has been going on recently (school related) and I've lost my inspiration to continuing writing the uncompleted stories that I've posted so far. Though I have got some new interests and ideas, I'm thinking of starting a brand new story- yes you may be saying stuff like: "But every time you start a story you never finish it!" and I admit that's true but lately I've been reading a lot so my writing style has changed drastically. I have been writing a bit here and there (on a new story that I will not plan on exposing since it's just for refining my writing skills) so looking back now on my old work there's a HUGE difference. I will be planning my new story soon, hopefully this one will last and will be more refined since I never planned any of my stories soooo yea! Hope to start coming back here soon! :)