
Hi! Thank you so much for adding Dylan O’Brien Imagines to your reading list! I really appreciate it! Requests and feedback are widely accepted so feel free to drop one by! Hope you enjoy reading! ~(≧▽≦)/~


LOVE your username and icon!! FrucienForever ;)


@FrucienIsForever can you do anothe ahs fire and reign request this time only alexei and y/n escaped and y/n was sick with pneumonia and losing her parents and sisters caused her to be devastated. Alexei knew and wanted to help her but neither he and mallory knew how to cheer her up. Y/n self harms and her arms are filled with cuts and one night her brother alexei sees her and stops her just in time she was about to stab herself in the heart and he brotherly scolds her. She tells him the reason she is doing this and he comforts her stating that their parents and sisters would want her to confide in him how she feels and they'll get through this together. Y/n recovers with her brother's help but her health gets worse due to pneumonia and alexei beggs mallory to save his little sister.


That's true!
            Haha that's cool - they were kind of like the IT couple to begin with lol ^_^ Hahaha ohMIGOSH! I can't believe I forgot about them! Well not them Datherine them but KEFAN! OMYGOSH! They are my eternal OTP as far as TVD goes at least! Haha it may have even been before I fell in love with Damon and Elena that I fell in love with Stefan and Katherine XD Oh gosh, they really did! I'm surprised Bamon never became a thing tbh XD I hate they never explored Jalaric more tbh - like they could have done so much with that. Jeremy and Elena could have had a real family with both of them together but sadly, it wasn't meant to be, I guess  :( Oh yeah! I kind of ship Marbekah tbh! ^_^!! Klamille TOTALLY :)
            IKR?! I was rooting for them a bit, I admit it lol. I think she balanced him well :) That's true - plus Hayley still wanted to be with him and he her so there was that. I guess that's most likely the main reason they killed Gia which is sad :(