
Won’t be online until Thursday. Going somewhere with @wtfzim my beloved:3


CANT WAIT!! Love you handsome !! ♡


Wsg fellow Aspen :3



@FruitBatzz right in the middle i think , made a small roy doodle :3


this message may be offensive
Putting this here so people can see how much I care for you ♡
          I love you so MUCH, I don’t know what I would ever do without you. I was in such a dark place for many years until me and you truly bonded. You’ve always had a soft spot in my heart even when we wasn’t close. I’ll always be here for you no matter what. It’s so hard to put into words how much I love and care for you, it’s indescribable. I appreciate how thoughtful you are, you’re the most sweetest person I’ve met. You are the most handsome man I know, and the only one I feel safe around at that. You’re so unbelievably handsome and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’m happy I could be here for you for this long and I want it to continue for many years ahead. And idc how romantic our paragraphs sound, let them be, I mean who cares. I feel that I’m actually able to be myslef around you, and not put on an act like I do everyone else. Thank you so much for coming into my life pretty boy
          I love you so much and I just want people on here to see how much I care for you. You’ll always have me Aspen. Fuck how badly all the others in your past treated you. They couldn’t see how perfect of a being you are. You deserve so much. You’ll get a longer paragraph over text soon, I love you so much.
          Remember to stay hydrated, with water not tea, and eat well :3
          We can go on a sushi date soon, I’ve been wanting to try a new place


@FruitBatzz exactly he’s to fast


            I probably can’t even grab him.


Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?


            Shove it up my ****** and do it with you **** snake 




            It had a smushed cockroach on it