
What kind of gender, personality, or any description I could use, to portray Imu?


What kind of gender, personality, or any description I could use, to portray Imu?


Merry late Christmas!!! (MY bad gang I'm 3 days late I literally could NOT find your book and it was killing me) anyway I just wanna ask when the next update is? (Like sorry if this sounds pushy) I really love your writing and I read the new version of "I'm a beta" and I can see the differences and can't wait to see how it plays


Hi! I just got back from the dead and realize...I forgot about everyone! And my unannounced hiatus(?)
          Anyway, I got sad news and good news, sad news is, I'll be deleting the omegaverse story which, we cannot deny that isn't doing well... don't lie it's boring now.
          Good news would be, is that, I'll be rewriting it, and giving it a more...detailed(?) and not got off the rails kind of things.
          So for now, I won't be deleting the two, but expect it to be deleted, and I'll replace it with a newer plot. Nicer...and more justice-ish


Honestly, your stuff is the only book I never got bored reading again and again, no matter how many times I read it, it only gets better and better ✨( ˘▽˘)っ♨


@Frustratedwriter_08 to be frank, your omegaverse fanfic were my top 1 favourites to the point I've already reread it for the fifth times since last year along with the alpha ain't kings, however, I'm still glad there's a newly rewrite one.


@Frustratedwriter_08 Welcome back ,')  and it's actually not boring to read it again and again cause when the power went out I usually reread your books 