So I'm going to admit that when I started writing this fanfiction it started a a dream that seemed like an amazing story idea that I was trying to write by remembering. By the end of book 2 I had several ideas of where and how I wanted it to evolve, the problem with book 3 was it was mostly improv ideas that ended up where they did after lots of tinkering. The next book may take a bit of time to come out for a few reasons.
1. I'm actually taking the time to create characters, change a few already existing characters (I prefer AU versions as I'm well aware I can't give them the proper love they deserve)
2. Usually when I write a chapter I have a basic idea o where I want to go and it inevitably leads to combat situations. In this book combat is taking a back seat (For the most part). Currently I'm actually making a plot for each chapter.
3. I've given myself a challenge to make each chapter 10,000 words minimum.
I thank you for your patience with the wait while I write the next book and as always reviews are appreciated.