
So I'm going to admit that when I started writing this fanfiction it started a a dream that seemed like an amazing story idea that I was trying to write by remembering. By the end of book 2 I had several ideas of where and how I wanted it to evolve, the problem with book 3 was it was mostly improv ideas that ended up where they did after lots of tinkering. The next book may take a bit of time to come out for a few reasons.
          	1. I'm actually taking the time to create characters, change a few already existing characters (I prefer AU versions as I'm well aware I can't give them the proper love they deserve)
          	2. Usually when I write a chapter I have a basic idea o where I want to go and it inevitably leads to combat situations. In this book combat is taking a back seat (For the most part). Currently I'm actually making a plot for each chapter.
          	3. I've given myself a challenge to make each chapter 10,000 words minimum.
          	I thank you for your patience with the wait while I write the next book and as always reviews are appreciated.


So I'm going to admit that when I started writing this fanfiction it started a a dream that seemed like an amazing story idea that I was trying to write by remembering. By the end of book 2 I had several ideas of where and how I wanted it to evolve, the problem with book 3 was it was mostly improv ideas that ended up where they did after lots of tinkering. The next book may take a bit of time to come out for a few reasons.
          1. I'm actually taking the time to create characters, change a few already existing characters (I prefer AU versions as I'm well aware I can't give them the proper love they deserve)
          2. Usually when I write a chapter I have a basic idea o where I want to go and it inevitably leads to combat situations. In this book combat is taking a back seat (For the most part). Currently I'm actually making a plot for each chapter.
          3. I've given myself a challenge to make each chapter 10,000 words minimum.
          I thank you for your patience with the wait while I write the next book and as always reviews are appreciated.


I've been trying to decide if I should start the "Terminal Arc" next or do a slice of life with less combat and more character/relationship building. Each have their own pros and cons. After the "Termina Arc" Jack and Mocha will be separated for a while (I have no intention of breaking them up). The reason being that my roommate wants to borrow Jack for an arc in his own story before sending him back on his journey. If I do this I will be able to give Jack a full species reveal with more abilities. If I were to go slice of life the two would be given more time and more fluff. That being said when the time comes for the two to get physically intimate I will be putting that in the OVA series "The Alpha Multiverse". I'm also aware that in trying up loose ends some things may seem a bit too convenient. I tend to come up with crazy ideas that seem amazing, but usually put me up against the wall so I'm trying to not overthink it. When it comes to Jack barely winning his fights, my intention is to put him against opponents that are a bit stronger than the last to show his growth from a feral berserker of a fighter.  As always reviews are appreciated and I hope you enjoy the series.


Originally I had planned to stop each book at 12 chapters each, however I had a few ideas today that will allow the shift in the story feel less rushed while also building new friendships, ending old ones and preparing for the next world in Jack's journey. I also feel like I've been portraying Prophet as this boogie man that won't come for Jack nor have any interest in him, not so. I have plans for when they meet and they will meet again.


I finally got the newest chapter finished. Firstly I want to state that the most recent chapter "Jack's First Halloween" was made to be more suspenseful and show that Jack isn't protected by "Main character syndrome" He can and WILL lose fights that he can't retry from time to time. Yes he is powerful and will continue to grow even more on his adventures through the "Alpha Multiverse" hence the ending. 
          Secondly I want it to be known that Jack isn't in nor looking for a relationship, the only one he knew was Fuwa and the damage caused by Prophet mixed with the realization that he can be forcefully taken to other worlds has made him start to rethink how he views an already skewed view on romance. Don't worry I do have plans for him and we haven't even put a full leg in the water that is the chaos of Jack's adventure. Anyway I hope you all enjoy it.


Day by day I've been chugging through backed up chapters. All the while my laptop  is beginning to hold less battery each day. Hopefully I can get a good chunk  of my story finished before my laptop officially goes kaput lol


I've finally gotten my laptop unpacked! However it refuses to charge past 71% so I'll need to get a new one.  Due to how dark The "Alpha Multiverse" will get I'm working on a side series of one chapter short stories with a lighter tone that will give extra context the main story.  I've finished the first story of which I'll be putting up soon.


I've been typing my fanfiction on my phone so it will take a bit before I can get it up for everyone to read.  Currently working through the darker parts of the series so get ready for that. 
          Also a bit about the "Alpha Multiverse" fanfic. This is a story I've had clunking around in my head for quite a few years. A bit of it is dreams I thought would be interesting in chapters a bit are ideas I've gotten from other fanfics. It's going to be a long series but when it all comes together I feel like it will be a good story. I hope you guys enjoy it and have fun reading. 


The good news is I have finally finished The second semester arc of my fanfic. The bad news is that my laptop crapped out on me so editing the story properly won't be easy. However once I get a laptop again I'll be sure to finally get everything updated.