Blazes POV:
It was that clock. The one that everyone has. And it was on everyone's right wrist. This clock shows when we are to meet our soulmate. But for me that's were all the problems began. Because who would have thought, that my soulmate was a girl.
Ashlinn's POV:
It was that clock. That godforsaken clock that shows the exact time you meet your soulmate. I was excited for that day, but when it came, so did all the problems. Because who would have known my soulmate was a girl.
Coal's POV:
It was that clock. That stupid clock that all it did was cause problems. I didn't even want a soulmate. I didn't want anyone. Because as soon as you fall in love, they break your heart. They die. I didn't want anyone else to die. But then, I met her. And the unthinkable happened. My soulmate had two. Two people. Me, and a girl named Blaze.
I don't know what happened there. I just started typing and this is were it went. Should it become a story? Tell me if I should make it into one.