
Alright, so I don't usually post messages, but I'm afraid I'm hit bottom on things to read? Do y'all have any good book recommendations? I tend to love genetical modifications, and magical awakenings. And female protagonist, who can whoop ass. Other than that, I'd be glad for anything to read. Please give me suggestions, thank you! Love y'all. 


@everyday-amazing I'm so sorry it was like the first thing I saw 


          When you get this message send it to 15 people.
          If you get 5 back then you like blue cookies
          If you get 10 back then you really like blue cookies
          If you get 15 back then you love blue cookies with all your heart
          This is a message to all Percy Jackson fans. Embrace the blue cookies. They are life


Alright, so I don't usually post messages, but I'm afraid I'm hit bottom on things to read? Do y'all have any good book recommendations? I tend to love genetical modifications, and magical awakenings. And female protagonist, who can whoop ass. Other than that, I'd be glad for anything to read. Please give me suggestions, thank you! Love y'all. 


@everyday-amazing I'm so sorry it was like the first thing I saw 