
ADMV new chp update! ^^
          	Dan Selamat Menyambut dan Menjalani Ibadah Puasa to all my lovess <3


The reason why lama x update is bcs im really busy.  biasala keje kan.. n plus a few weeks ago plk positive covid..so its really a chaotic moment for the last few months. ambil masa nk sesuaikan diri di tempat baru. almost breakdown n want to give up n go home tp bila ingt balik why i do this.. i just thought to myself.. just sabar dan yakin pada-Nya.
          i really miss my time when i used to have nothing to worry about.. buat apa yg kita suka.. luangkan masa dgn perkara yg mengembirakn kita.. but i knw its not gonna be like that forever.. lambat laun kita kna face the fact that life is not gonna be easy with u.. adult life is tiring but sometimes its worth it bila hujung bulan dapat gaji.. LOL
          anyway tq for those yg still setia follow seketul potato sendu ini. ILY 


@ gonnagone  aww tqsm^^ tak hilang pun cuma busy nak biasakan diri dgn life baru, and tq also for concern about me n always support me. now trying to get back my passion on writing.. if i want to finish my story then it is also for u yg slalu support cerita yg tak seberapa tu.. tqq yaaa.. luv ya


@FukaiNichi aww, I hope you're doing well now mate. Honestly I had wondered about your sudden disappearance since I noticed that you ain't recently updated your story as I usually know, I might be concerned, it has already been a month I guess.. and let say, welcome back mate... lots of love!!


Hi^^ as a gift sbb lama x update i gave u a new story. pls show a lot of love <33
          story ni maybe cliché.. up to u to judge .. tp its depends on the plot.. n this story maybe the typical love story after marriage but can u handle all the heartbreaking moments?
          yes.. its a sad love story..
          anyway what team u are? im team bear 


@FukaiNichi Honestly, I ain't ready for those heartbreaking moment,, but eventually YESSS!!!!


new chp update:-) for those yg setia bca ADMV, ive to say that after this I'll be really busy since i just start working so i can't promise when this story will come to end but for sure i will try to finish it since this story also means a lot to me^^ wish me luck in my new chp, my new job, new place.. thanks for the support n love u guys ~♥~


@ gon_na  tq dear<33


@FukaiNichi aww s'fine mate. take ur time. tapi jgn lupakan story anda yeee.. HUAAAAAA.. selamat bekerja, selamat berhijrah ke tempat baru n i'll always support u!! sending lots of loveeeee❤❤