
 Name: Alia Ravenwood
          Nickname : n/a
          Gender : female
          Personality: shy, funny, adventurous, independent, loyal, kind, loving, friendly, understanding. (there might be more i just cant think of any)
          Apperance/ human form: about 5'3 mid back black hair, light brown eyes that fade to blue from time to time, average weight, light tan skin.
          Wolf name: Emeralda
          Wolf apperance : pure white with a blue/green line heading from the middle of my shoulder blades to the base of my tail, blue/green strips on each cheek, lughy blue/silver eyes.
          Place in pack : Hunter I guess.
          Personality: Same as above but wiser and more experianced. We both dont get angry easily but if we do going on a run helps to calm down.
          Other: I actaually also have wings....and used to be the Alpha of my own pack before they all got married or went on their own paths. I used to have a mate; I just recently broke up with him so I'm not looking for anyone new right now. Ummm...Thats all I can think of. 
          Thank you for reading and it would be great to be part of a pack again.


Name: Lybia
          Nickname: Lyb
          Gender: Female
          Personality: Goofy, smart, Caring, loving,outgoing, hates everything a normal girl would like, rebellious, isn't slow to punch someone, pranks
          Human appearance: Small,  Brunette, emerald green eyes, pale skin that refuses to tan or burn. It may be weird but yes, she has a six pack.
          Wolf name: Ellona
          Wolf Appearance:Pure white, and pastel green eyes, still small
          Rank you want: Head or normal Assassin if the position is open
          Personality:Smart, caring, never wants to pull a prank on someone, wants to always help, will back down... lacks the ferocity in Lyb that makes her dangerous, but Lyb never listens to Ellona often
          Other: none
          Sorry for it being long, I'd like to join your pack


Name: Theeya
          Nickname: Eya
          Gender: Female
          Personality: Outspoken, Humorous, Friendly and Deadly
          Human Appearance: 5' 4", brown hair, black colored eyes
          Wolf name: Star
          Wolf appearance: Glossy jet black with white patch of fur surrounding the neck like a scarf, golden eyes
          Rank: Head Assassin.


Name: N'kosi
          Nickname: Niki
          Gender: Female
          Personality: quirky, funny, bubbly, spontaneous, tough
          Human appearance: black long hair, tall, average weight, brown skin
          Wolf name: Journey
          Wolf Appearance: all white, with light grey front left paw, and black tipped ears, with blue green eyes
          Rank you want: Third in command female
          other: me and beta female yannibear9 are close friends


Absolutely Accepted!