
Thank you for the vote! Always happy to find a fellow Ramin fan!


@FullmetalandtheFlame you're welcome ❤ The Les Miserables story was inspired by Ramin as well and I modeled a character after him in a short story series. 


@SamanthaMarkle92 You're welcome! I really enjoyed your story. 
            I'm part of Ramin Karimloo Nation on Facebook and I recognize you from there. I remembered seeing your comment about writing a happy ending story for Kian and honestly, with everything going on in Holby right now, I really needed some happy Kian. So I'm glad I found it! It was really good!


Hi dear, I don't know if you still use Wattpad, but I was reading through old comments of Say Goodnight Before You Leave and I remember how much you liked it, and I don't know if you ever got the notification about me republishing it, so I just wanted to let you know. <3