
New chapter of CHAMELEON is up! Check it out if you're in for a fixin. Please note that I AM still working on TAFH. However, I have grown to absolutely hate that title and some of the writing. It irks me to get back into it even though I love those characters. I am working on it. Happy Monday everybody x


@Fun297 I dont mean to sound rude but you jave been missing for a year? Where are you i mean at the least confirm you are still active on wattpad


@Fun297  will you be updating this story soon?   Really enjoy your writings.  Hope everything is well with you.


New chapter of CHAMELEON is up! Check it out if you're in for a fixin. Please note that I AM still working on TAFH. However, I have grown to absolutely hate that title and some of the writing. It irks me to get back into it even though I love those characters. I am working on it. Happy Monday everybody x


@Fun297 I dont mean to sound rude but you jave been missing for a year? Where are you i mean at the least confirm you are still active on wattpad


@Fun297  will you be updating this story soon?   Really enjoy your writings.  Hope everything is well with you.


Just posted a new chapter of TAFH. I am sorry that it has taken me so long to add to it. I've known how I want the story to end for a while now but haven't been happy with how I want to get it there. Look for more updates in future