I'm working on another book which is sci-fi horror and the outline slaps also it's gonna be the first book I make a playlist for (Definitely didn't steal the idea from one of my fav authors)
I am still planning on finishing 'Feral' and it's actually nearing the end rn it was meant to be a short-ish story anyway because it's hard to use the one-man-army kind for so long lol it feels like there's no physical hardship at all so it's got a lot of emotional hardship and inner pain! I am working on another one-man-army kind of story for the future but for now it'll stay where it is: my outline folder. I really appreciate everyone who decided to give 'Feral' a chance and well that's all for now. Oh! I almost forgot, MERRY CRHISMAS Y'ALL HAve a really awesome time and I hope 2023 doesn't kick your ass so hard lol I love y'all, big hugz and take good care!