
Been a while huh. Originally I was gonna upload the 2nd chapter for The Gow story but I ended erasing a whole lot us stuff by accident. So I got really mad and didnt write for a long time, and I came back to find I didn't mess up.... So I will be trying to get Chapter 3 out soon, and the next Cahoter for the JoJo one as well


Been a while huh. Originally I was gonna upload the 2nd chapter for The Gow story but I ended erasing a whole lot us stuff by accident. So I got really mad and didnt write for a long time, and I came back to find I didn't mess up.... So I will be trying to get Chapter 3 out soon, and the next Cahoter for the JoJo one as well


So, I might have lied about when the next chapter might come out... It might come out earlier than expected! So if it does then you can expect a chapter by Monday of next week! (Or even Sunday, depending how much I am able to finish) So let me know if you guys want it early, or keep my word and release it Tuesday or Wednesday?


ALSO! I will soon be working on my Mob Psycho x MHA book once I reach chapter 12 of TNGOW since I might get burned out of GoW and DxD, so I think it would be good for me to write something I planned a while ago. That doesn't mean I wont stop updating it, I just would have to work on both stories and I would still try and release chapters every week, so please let me know if you guys are interested in that? (It wouldn't be a self insert, it would be Mob in the MHA world)


Will be finishing up chapter 1 and the bio for The Next God of War retold. Really hope you guys will enjoy, as I have more fun writing this story now because of how I know what to actually write about instead of rushing things. I'll try my absolute hardest to get a chapter out every week, but when I can't it's because I haven't finished perfecting said chapter. Anyways, I plan for this chapter to come out either by Tuesday or Wednesday, so stay tuned!


Guys, I will continue to write my stories, but I am on a major writers block. I need some names for the story (and the future of it)
          Character 1- A male character who is around the same age of the main character but lives in the Greek Mythology Realm. He will be close to the Reader and should have a name. He is one of the top soldiers and is one of Readers highly respected people
          Character 2- A strange girl who meets the Reader and is enthusiastic to meet him, she seems to know about him being The God Of War. But it seems she is not from the two worlds Reader he been too
          Character 3- Person who works for the Masked Man, short and clumsy. You guys decide the name and gender
          As you can tell I am not good at names.
          Expect a new chapter soon!!!!


@Leon_Prime yes! Thank you, now I will get to work on it as soon as I'm done mowing my lawn


@Funny_Man420  how about for the male Romanos, for the girl Cassandra, & lastly how about a girl named Irene?
            what do you think?


I will be unpublishing my Speed is Key story for now, as I want to make something as big as my God Of War book, don't worry if you were reading it, as I will eventually get back to it! Expect something else to take it's place soon... after I finish the next chapter of God of War book.


Sorry for making you guys wait so much, I promise I'll get the next chapter for the Next God of War done, then I will get my new story's first chapter done, I have been pretty busy with life, and yeah. So stay tuned! (I'm trying to write the lemon, but dang I'm not really motivated for it, I mean I did promise, and the first person voted yes, so I have to)